From the course: Learning Redux Toolkit

Why you should take this course

From the course: Learning Redux Toolkit

Why you should take this course

- [Ebenezer] If you've used React, to build a web application, chances are you've had significant challenges, with state management. For too long we relied on typical Redux, for state management but because of its complexity, and the excessive amount of code it takes to get it working, we eventually turned to other solutions, like the React Context API. What have I told you? That a new tool named Redux Toolkit, exist to make the Redux state management process, as simple as possible. It's easy to set up and use, while remaining as efficient as the popular Redux library. In this course, you learn about creating Redux stores, reducers, actions, slices, and making API requests by building a shopping app. My name is Ebenezer Don, and I've been a professional software engineer, for over seven years, and have trained hundreds of software engineers in React. I also write articles and publish videos, on several React state management solutions, and Redux Toolkit, is one of the most straightforward tools I've used. I'm sure you'll learn a lot from this course, and I can't wait to get started with you.
