From the course: Learning Polymer

What you should know before watching this course - Polymer Tutorial

From the course: Learning Polymer

What you should know before watching this course

- [Instructor] There are some key concepts that you will need to be familiar with before starting this course. First, you should be familiar with building web applications using the basic building blocks of the web, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you need to brush up on these skills, there are some resources that I highly suggest you take a look at, such as HTML Essential Training, Learning CSS, and JavaScript Essential Training. You should also be familiar with using a text editor, such as Sublime Text, Adobe Brackets, or Visual Studio Code, just to name a few. I'll be using Visual Studio Code in this course, because it's free and it works on Mac, Windows and Linux. If you'd like to learn more about VS Code, then you can check out my course, Visual Studio Code for Web Developers. But since we're just going to be working with text files in this course, you can use whatever code editor you're currently familiar with. During this course, we're also going to be using some common client-side developer tools. So you should be familiar with using your computer's terminal program, and we'll be using Node.js and node package manager to install the polymer tool set, and make use of the polymer command line. I'm also going to use the Bower package manager to install the various polymer components in the course. Now it's beyond the scope of this course to go into deep details of how to use the Node tools, so if you need to brush up on them, take a look at Learning NPM the Node Package Manager. Don't worry if you're not an expert in using these tools. We don't be making heavy use of them. When you feel comfortable with these subjects and tools, then you can move on to the rest of the course.
