From the course: Learning Polymer


- Hi, I'm Joe Marini and welcome to my course on learning Polymer. In this course, we're going to learn about working with the Polymer library to build web applications using web components. We'll also learn how to create our own custom web components Web components are essentially custom elements that you can use in your web apps, just like you would use any of the standard, built-in, HTML tags that the browser already knows. We'll begin with a quick review of web components and why they are important, along with a quick tour of a simple web application built with Polymer that displays a Google Map. Then we'll learn about the Polymer command line tools, and see how easy it is to add Polymer components to an existing web app, along with a review of the site, which is a comprehensive online catalog of ready to use third-party components. Next, we'll build our own Polymer components. We'll see how you give the components an internal structure using HTLM, define its visual appearance with regular CSS, and give it properties and behavior with Javascript. After that, we'll try out the Polymer command line tools to scaffold out a basic Polymer app along with a skeleton Polymer component. Finally, we'll wrap up by diving into Polymer's data-binding features to see how to create dynamic web components. Polymer is free, cross-platform, and open source. It brings the magic of web components to all modern browsers even those that don't currently support the web component standards natively. Stop reinventing the wheel every time you build a web application and find yourself writing complex HTML code to solve common problems. Let's get started with learning Polymer, and building web applications the modern way.
