From the course: Learning Polymer

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Use the starter kit

Use the starter kit - Polymer Tutorial

From the course: Learning Polymer

Use the starter kit

- [Instructor] One last scaffolding demonstration I want to show is using the Polymer Starter Kit. The Polymer team created this starter kit to show how to create a single page app using app routing and other design patterns. So if you're looking to create a single page app with Polymer, then this might be a good place for you to start your investigation, so here again, in the terminal. Let's make sure we're starting in the right place. Yep, in the Exercise Files folder, so I'm going to CD into 04_04_start, and then, once again, I'm going to run polymer init. And there's the application menu. This time I'll choose polymer starter kit. Now in this case, I don't need to provide any information. The starter kit will just go ahead and create the application based on the defaults that are included in the starter kit for me. So when it completes, let's just go ahead and run it right away. I'm going to type polymer serve open. Now when this app opens, you can tell right away, there's a lot…
