From the course: Learning Polymer

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Use the finished component

Use the finished component - Polymer Tutorial

From the course: Learning Polymer

Use the finished component

- [Narrator] Alright, we've reached the point where our custom element is now complete so let's exercise it in the browser. So we just finished adding some JavaScript logic to the components and I want to try it out. But before we do that, let's go ahead into the code in 03_05_finished. Let's open index.html and let's scroll down to where the message banner is used and let's take off these two attributes right here to begin with. Let's just have it be visible and have it's I.D. So we'll save. And over in the terminal make sure you're in the exercise files folder. So now I'll write polymer serve, open and then the open path will be 03 05 finished slash index.html. Alright so that will launch the browser and okay, there it is. So you can see that when the browser comes up. Here's my message banner, it's got default colors that are yellow. And when I hover over the closed box, right. The cursor becomes a pointer. And when I click on it the message banner closes and the reason for that is…
