From the course: Learning Polymer

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The web components catalog

The web components catalog - Polymer Tutorial

From the course: Learning Polymer

The web components catalog

- [Instructor] One of the most important parts of any vibrant component ecosystem is having a rich set of components to choose from when building your apps. The website located at, contains a great collection of components from a variety of contributors, including the (mumbles) routine itself. So, let's take a look at the site, and some of its features, and keep in mind that the site might look a little bit different when you visit. So right here, at the top of the page, you can see some quick links to a Getting started page, along with some popular search categories. If you want to publish your own element, there's a button for that right here that will take you to that process. You can of course, search the catalog for components that meet a certain need that you might have or you can click on one of these links that represent popular and trending categories. There is a section for Featured elements, along with a set of Featured collections of elements. There's a…
