From the course: Learning Polymer

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A quick Polymer app tour

A quick Polymer app tour - Polymer Tutorial

From the course: Learning Polymer

A quick Polymer app tour

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at a simple application that uses Polymer web components. And before we look at the code, let's start by looking at the app in the browser to see how it works. So open a terminal window on your system and I'm going to see where I am, where I enter my users directory. So I'm going to go into my desktop and then exercise files wherever they are. And I'm going to go into the 01 03 finished folder. Alright, so now I'm in the 01 03 finished folder in my exercise files. So then I'm going to type the command, polymer serve dash dash open. So this will open our sample app in the browser. And you can see that this is a simple application that uses a few styled buttons and presents the user with a Google map and as I click on the buttons, you can see that the city changes for each button that I select. Alright, so let's copy this URL and let's go over to Firefox Let's make a new Firefox window and we'll paste that in. And you can see it's working Firefox as…
