From the course: Learning Mastercam

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Create 2D geometry for a motor bracket

Create 2D geometry for a motor bracket - Mastercam Tutorial

From the course: Learning Mastercam

Create 2D geometry for a motor bracket

- [Instructor] Our first foray into tool pathing will only require two axis machining operations. Now, they're called two axis because we're only basing this on 2D geometry. Of course, the tool does move in three axes, but it only ever moves in z while it's not moving in x and y. And I picked a pretty simple project for us, we're going to base our drawing on the Nema 23 Stepper Motor standard. So let's say we're going to use a CNC machine to make a bracket that could hold up one of these motors. If we go and open one of the exercise files, and that can be found here under documents, exercise files, chapter two, and two axis start. Here I provided a drawing of what such a plate might look like. So if you've never encountered the Nema 23 Standard before, it has more or less these dimensions. Some of the dimensions have tolerances associated, but I've left those off for simplicity. Also to set up our file, I'll head to view and make sure that I'm showing the grid and snapping to the grid…
