From the course: Learning in the Flow of Work

Transform organizational learning

From the course: Learning in the Flow of Work

Transform organizational learning

We're embarking on a journey that will transform the way you think about organizational learning today. Get ready to unlock the secret to driving growth, agility, and innovation within your organization. I'm Naphtali Bryant, learning and development expert. The goal of my work is to eliminate boredom and dysfunction with innovative learning and development solutions, accelerating team engagement and cohesion for a thriving work culture. And I'm your guide. I designed this course to help you understand how to seamlessly integrate learning into everyday work experiences, helping you to create a place where continuous growth and innovation are not just aspirations, but a reality within your organization daily. Let's ignite the spark of transformative learning. Join me on this extraordinary adventure, and let's make a true shift in learning success together. Let's get to it.
