From the course: Learning in the Flow of Work

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Get started: Taking the first steps

Get started: Taking the first steps

From the course: Learning in the Flow of Work

Get started: Taking the first steps

Imagine this journey as a blank canvas awaiting the vibrant strokes of your organizational masterpiece. You've now explored the art of learning in the flow of work, understanding its profound impact on growth, performance, and success. By the time we conclude, you'll not only grasp the significance of learning in the flow of work, but also gain the confidence to initiate its integration within your organization. Let's paint the canvas with strategic strokes that build a culture of learning and development, seamlessly interwoven with daily work routines. Here's my getting started checklist. As you prepare to dive into the world of learning integration, consider the checklist, your guiding compass to getting off to a great start. First up, understand your terrain. Begin by analyzing your organization's current learning landscape. What tools and systems are already in place? What are the existing learning practices? Secondly, define success. Clearly outline the goals you aim to achieve…
