From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 2 Production

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Shooting effective b-roll

Shooting effective b-roll

- For many documentaries, great b-roll is so important in providing the viewer additional visual information about the topics at hand. It's through these visuals that the viewer can become much more engaged than simply watching talking head interviews. Let's talk about the multifaceted nature of b-roll. At its simplest, functional purpose, it covers up the jump cuts resulting from splicing the interviews together. At its simplest aesthetic purpose, it's great at showing the things that your subject is talking about. Here's an interview that can be served by both of these purposes. - I didn't realize the depth that the military goes through for training and how much they have to do day in and day out and year in and year out to train, to learn, to adapt. Today, I got a real good sense of that. - And now let's take a look at the same interview with b-roll that covers up those jump cuts and clearly shows the visuals of the main talking points. - I didn't realize the depth that the…
