From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 2 Production

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Reviewing successful pre-production strategies

Reviewing successful pre-production strategies

From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 2 Production

Reviewing successful pre-production strategies

- In this course, we're going to dive in to everything involving the documentary production shoot for our Project RELO film. We've already done the necessary prep to set ourselves up for success. So if you haven't watched the first course in the series, I recommend that you do. But if you just need a recap of what we accomplished in pre-production, that's what this movie is for. Okay, so first of all let's just review the general concepts for the film. We're making a short documentary likely between 20 and 30 minutes long for a non-profit called Project RELO. The mission of this organization is to help solve the military veteran hiring gap in a really creative way, which is to team up Corporate Executives and Veterans in exciting offered adventures where the vets can really shine and show their character, leadership, and collaboration skills. Project RELO believes it's through excursions like these this business leaders can learn the value of hiring veterans into their businesses. I…
