From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 2 Production

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Reviewing important production documents

Reviewing important production documents

From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 2 Production

Reviewing important production documents

- We just covered the general preproduction plan. Let's now get into the details of the production schedule itself, so that you're aware of everything that we're going to actually do when shooting the film. Some of this we covered in the preproduction course but we're going to get more detailed here so that we really have a good sense of the play by play for the shoot. Let's first start with the general itinerary. Here's our schedule over a nine day period. It includes all travel details, as well as general activities for each day, and information about how the team will get from one location to another. Separate from this is the project RELO mission plan which you can see is broken down in great detail. We're profiling a military related organization so it's no surprise that this is so meticulous. I won't go through this in any degree of detail now but I just wanted to show you that it's important to have a central location for these types of details so that everyone is on the same…
