From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 2 Production

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Conducting the interview: Getting great responses

Conducting the interview: Getting great responses

From the course: Learning Documentary Video: 2 Production

Conducting the interview: Getting great responses

- So it's finally time to actually interview your subjects. Let's talk about what you can do before and during the interview process to build rapport and help the subjects deliver great responses. In doing the hard work it takes to find and vet your interview candidates, you've already hopefully worked on some valuable rapport building. But when it comes time to actually record the interview on camera, it's go time, and it starts as soon as you greet your subject. From that moment, be warm and welcoming. Shake their hand, smile, and thank them for their time. Make it clear that you are there as a source of comfort and trust. Now it may depend how much prior experience the subject has at being interviewed that can determine how much you'll need to work with them to get them ready, relaxed, and confident. Above all, lead by example. Mirror the body language you want the subject to have. Be relaxed and natural yourself, and the subject may follow. Before the interview itself, I always…
