From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Why conversion copywriting?

- Emails that bring in more than three times the paid conversions, homepages that double sales, landing pages that increase leads by 25% or more. These are the kinds of results my team and I get using conversion copywriting. A form of copywriting that treats copy like your scalable online salesperson. It's not about being creative or clever. It's all about persuading your prospect, subscriber, or visitor to say yes to your offer. I'm Joanna Wiebe, founder of Copyhackers. I coined the term conversion copywriting after working in conversion rate optimization for years. And I want to show you how my team and I write copy that brings in big results. You'll learn how to stop wasting time writing and start letting your customers write copy for you. Stop guessing how to hook your visitor and instead, learn to match their stage of awareness. And use persuasive frameworks like the problem, agitation, solution framework to convert. Everything I'll share with you here has been tested repeatedly by me and my team across hundreds of solutions and dozens of industries. From selling enterprise software to chief technology officers, to selling bulk gumballs to parents. Let's begin by giving you a new process that will take the mystery out of all of your copywriting.
