From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Web copy: Turn your outline into a first draft

Web copy: Turn your outline into a first draft

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Web copy: Turn your outline into a first draft

- No matter what you're writing, remember the three basic steps in planning a page or an email sequence to get high engagement and conversions. First, optimize your offer for the list or visitors. Second, identify the stage of awareness your prospect is in when they land on your page or get the first email in the sequence or funnel. And third, identify how far your prospect's stage of awareness is on the spectrum from the most aware stage. Your pages job or your email sequences job is to move your prospect from their starting stage of awareness to most aware as fast as possible, but without skipping over the content that they need to know to convert. This is the homepage copy we've crafted so far for Wisdom Pets using the PAS framework with voice of customer data plugged into it. You can see that it's not exactly copy yet. It's really bare bones, it's purely VOC. So let's now transform it into a first draft. You may…
