From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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VOC research: How to mine reviews quickly

VOC research: How to mine reviews quickly

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

VOC research: How to mine reviews quickly

- Sometimes you just have to write an email or ad to get it out there quickly. Now, when that happens, don't default to the old process of sitting down and writing whatever's in your head. Instead shortcut your VOC research with fast review mining. So the idea with review mining is this. You go on Amazon or Yelp and you look up solutions like products and services that are similar to yours. Then look at customer reviews for those solutions. You read review after review in search of insights into the pains and motivations that drive people, including your prospects or customer lookalikes to seek solutions like yours. And it's a great VOC technique, but the problem is manually going through reviews takes a lot of time. You don't want to waste two hours reading reviews only to get maybe three or four insights. We need targeted VOC research and we need it fast. So here's what you do. Search customer reviews on Yelp and Amazon…
