From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Validating clarity with five second tests

Validating clarity with five second tests

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Validating clarity with five second tests

- There's a saying in the copywriting and user experience worlds that clarity trumps persuasion. That saying exists because we need to regularly remind ourselves that as tempting as it can be to write a creative headline or a clever email, nothing grabs attention, holds attention or converts attention as well as clarity does. Now that you're at a point where you've written and edited an email or webpage, it's time to check or validate your copy's clarity before a split-testing or publishing it. The easiest way to do this is with a five-second test or a test and once your copy is flashed before users for five seconds and those users are asked to answer a question about the copy. I like to validate the clarity of my headline this way because the headline copy is so important to the success of your copy. You should also validate any particularly risky messages. Let me show you how. Here's how to set up a five second test.…
