From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Using persuasive frameworks: PAS

Using persuasive frameworks: PAS

- My very favorite persuasive framework is PAS, Problem, Agitation, Solution. I love it because it allows you to open or hook readers with a problem which is very important given that the need to solve a problem drives most people to buy solutions. I also love that it's got agitation built in. Agitation is the part of your copy where you use specific real life examples of a problem in order to make your reader feel that problem. The most marketers edit agitation out because they assume people remember the problem that drove them to seek a solution. But we've found in repeated AB tests that people have a hard time remembering anything unless your copy helps them to. So the agitation in problem agitation solution is a critical part of what makes this framework so persuasive. PAS finishes with a very open-ended solution which is the part of the framework where you introduce the solution to the agitated problem and then call…
