From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Using persuasive copywriting formulas

Using persuasive copywriting formulas

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Using persuasive copywriting formulas

- Like persuasive copywriting frameworks, copywriting formulas help you increase the power of your copy by pushing your copy into time-tested layouts. While a framework helps you organize your message on the page, a copywriting formula helps you make each line of copy stronger. You can use copywriting formulas for editing the awesome into your headlines, bullet lists and body copy on your website and in your ads and emails. Let's focus on the headline formulas because your headline is the most important element on a webpage and as such, it deserves a lot of your attention during editing. Before we begin though, here's the tip. You should always write at least 25 headlines before you choose the one to split test, validate or use. The headlines I'll show you here are just a few of the 25 or 50 I would write and some will be better than others. We're going to use three different headline formulas. Let's start with the…
