From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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The one test

The one test

- You've heard the slogan breakfast of champions. It's easy enough to remember once you hear it. Would it have been as effective if it had been breakfast of champions and heroes, or breakfast of champions, heroes, and street fighters? As you can see, the more words you add into a statement, the less potent it becomes. Every time you use the word "and" or "or" in your copy as a conjunction where it joins two or more ideas or adjectives together, you can safely assume that you have just diluted the power of a single strong message. That's the idea behind the One Test, a test you conduct during the editing process to identify where multiple messages dilute the power of a single message. Very often this happens when you use two adjectives where one will do. The One Test is as simple as this. Look for the word "and" or "or" on the page. Highlight it when you see it and then go back and challenge its presence. When you…
