From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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The even if technique

The even if technique

- Are you struggling to overcome an objection or neutralize an anxiety in your copy? Then use the even if technique to directly combat the core objections or anxieties that are getting in the way of your prospect saying yes with just two little words, even if. Here's how it works. First, you write the desirable outcome your prospect is hoping your offer will provide them. Then you write the words, even if, and then you finish by writing the primary objection or anxiety that keeps most people from converting. For example, for this very copywriting course, we might understand that you want to sell more online at scale, but you're anxious because you weren't a strong writer in high school. So we would write a headline using the even if technique like so. Sell more online at scale with these copywriting techniques, even if you haven't written a word since nearly failing high school English class. In the example of Wisdom Pets,…
