From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Offer optimization

- What is an anxiety that's keeping leads from saying yes to your offer? For example, if you're selling team software an anxiety your lead may have is that they have to convince their whole team to switch to your software. This anxiety turns into an objection that negatively impacts conversion. Objections may feel like they're better to ignore than address, but I've found that you should optimize your offer to overcome many objections. In the software example I just mentioned, you could optimize the offer to include a one hour team onboarding consultation, thus neutralizing the objections and increasing your conversion rate. Refer to your VOC to identify objections your offer can overcome. For Wisdom Pets, VOC revealed that one of the key objections to choosing a vet is location or the distance to drive to the clinic. So we can hypothesize that one objection our prospect may have to booking a checkup is the drive. They don't want to drive that far just to find out their cat is fine, or the vet isn't a good fit for them. With that we optimize the offer, turning it from book a checkup to book a virtual checkup. That solves the driving problem but does it introduce new objections? It may, for example, what if virtual won't work for someone whose pet won't sit still? Or what if the idea of conducting a virtual checkup on your cat intimidates a prospect? What if she fears poking around in her cat's mouth to show the vet his gums? Now we could optimize it to book a five minute virtual checkup. Where the promise is that on camera in the comfort of their own home, the customer will sit with their pet and the vet will walk them through a say 12-point surface level checkup. The outcome of this virtual checkup will be to determine if the pet needs a full in-person checkup or not. If it helps our prospect, we can also give examples of what the customer will be asked to check on their pet and what they will not be asked to check. This neutralizes anxieties about poking around in pet mouths. The customer may then think well, if I'm doing all the work this virtual checkups should be free. If Wisdom Pet sees this virtual checkup as a consult to land a new customer worth potentially 1000s in lifetime value, then this offer could be free, book a free five minute virtual checkup. If Wisdom Pet fears people will abuse this offer they could modify it to only make the first five minute virtual checkup free. At this point the prospect will likely be thinking, okay, maybe. And now we want to bring out extra offer optimizations to nudge them off the fence and toward the yes, such as offering a freebie. For example, when you book a free five minute virtual checkup you could also get a coupon to save on a high margin then Wisdom Pets wants to sell more of and people need. Such as pet teeth cleaning, freebies, bundles, payment plans and tiered pricing are quick tricks for optimizing your offer. Consider how many good prospects turn away from your website or close your email without converting. Would the cost of optimizing the offer be offset by the new customers you could acquire. One last note on optimizing your offer. Know that price is always an objection in VOC, but price is most typically an objection for people who aren't good prospects or don't understand the value of the solution on offer. So rather than dropping your price or offering discounts start by better highlighting the value of the solution in your copy. And never underestimate the power of an optimized offer. If your copy isn't working, it might be time to stop looking for what to fix in your copy and start looking at what to fix in your offer.
