From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Must-use techniques to find your message

Must-use techniques to find your message

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Must-use techniques to find your message

- When it's time to write copy that converts, you need to start like a scientist would, with curiosity. Curiosity about the visitor to the page you're going to write or the lead who'll read the email you're going to write or the Facebook user you'd like to stop in their tracks as they're mindlessly scrolling through their feed between meetings at work. Your curiosity drives research questions. The answers to those questions will actually help you write your copy. And the answers are, of course, VOC data. Here are some techniques you'll use to ask those questions and collect VOC. Surveys. If you're writing a landing page for a webinar, you may want to survey past webinar attendees to find out what they valued most about the webinar or what brought them to sign up in the first place or what one actionable technique they took away. My favorite method for finding VOC is interviewing. You can hold five to seven customer…
