From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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List, offer, copy: What to know before you write

List, offer, copy: What to know before you write

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

List, offer, copy: What to know before you write

- List, offer, copy. To the average person, they're just three simple, unrelated words, but in fact, they're the starting point for nearly every copywriting project in the history of mankind. If you want that email you're writing, or that ad you're crafting, or that webpage you're revising, to do its job, you need to first know your prospect, then create an offer for them, and then write copy that sells that offer specifically to them. List, offer, copy. First comes the list. It always starts with the list. And when I say the list, I mean the prospect you're speaking to in the piece you're writing. This could be your traffic, your visitors, your users, your customers, your subscribers, your leads. It could be one person you're writing to in a one-to-one cold email. Knowing who you're trying to convince with your email, ad, or page is going to make the copy you write way more effective. Perhaps you've already seen…
