From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Finding your what, finding your how

Finding your what, finding your how

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Finding your what, finding your how

- In conversion copywriting, you have both the what and the how. The what is your message. It's what to say. It's a category, topic, trend, or theme in what your customers and lookalikes say. The how is your copy. It's how to write your message and it starts with the actual words your customers or lookalikes use. VOC helps you find both your what and your how. These give you what you need to organize essential messages into an outline, an organization of the what, and then to fill that outline in with actual copy or the how. Let me show you what I mean. Go to the VOC that you captured using the review mining shortcuts, whether you did that in Excel or in Evernote or like I did in Airstory. here's everything that I've captured for Wisdom Pets. My job now is to identify the what, is to start organizing this, what topics are rising to the surface? I'm going to use a Kanban board in Airstory to organize all of the…
