From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Experiment to find your better practices

- Most marketers jump straight to this part of the conversion copywriting process, making things sound good or editing in the awesome, as I call it. They treat copywriting like an exercise in wordsmithing which it's not. By first getting voice of customer data into a persuasive framework, you ensure that your copy is written from a customer first perspective and that's exactly what we've done. So now, we can make that customer first copy more engaging by editing in the awesome. But we want to do that without stripping out the raw, real and specific moments that come courtesy of using VoC data. So as you edit in the awesome you may find that some of your new copy maybe so different from the copy you've previously written that you're not sure you want to risk publishing it. What if that raw VoC doesn't actually resonate with prospects? First, know this, conversion copywriting typically does sound very different from…
