From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Email copy: Write an email using VOC

Email copy: Write an email using VOC

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Email copy: Write an email using VOC

- With your email sequence planned, you're now ready to write each email in the sequence. Let me show you how to do it. Let's write the email for the topic of getting the same vet each time you visit. Start every email with a copywriting framework. We'll use AIDA or attention interest desire action as you can see here for this email. Below that is voice of customer where I can always reference it. Now, I always recommend that you start writing anything with the goal which means we want to write the optimized offer first. It will appear in the action section of the AIDA framework. For wisdom pets the offer is a 30 minute in-person checkup, optimized overcome objections, and includes a guarantee that you'll be seated in a private room within three minutes of checking in at the front desk. We'll call this the three minute guarantee because that's a clear name and a guarantee with a clear name is memorable, which is good.…
