From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Email copy: Plan a sequence using VOC

Email copy: Plan a sequence using VOC

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Email copy: Plan a sequence using VOC

- Email is an always-on and on-demand revenue-generating machine. So as a conversion copywriter, I love working on emails. Our agency writes more emails than all the other assets we write combined. And we've seen that one of the best places to get results with an email sequence is by optimizing the plan itself. What email do you send first? What follows it? When do you start selling? How many emails do you even need in a sequence? The answer to all of those questions? Use stages of awareness and VOC. That's always the answer. Let's start planning our sequence by returning to our VOC and starting a new Kanban board. Create five columns, one for each of the stages of awareness, and then label them. Start by deciding which stage of awareness your lead is in at the start of the sequence. For Wisdom Pets, I'm writing a sequence for a lead who's attended the free virtual checkup. The offer is to book a paid in-person…
