From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

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Collecting VOC from your customers

Collecting VOC from your customers

From the course: Learning Conversion Copywriting

Collecting VOC from your customers

- As we round up the message finding portion of conversion copywriting, you may be curious about more ways to collect VOC, particularly from your actual customers, not just people who left reviews for solutions like yours. If that's the case, try this message finding technique next. Wherever you have a thank you or confirmation page for new leads or for new customers, embed a survey that asks them to answer this one question, what was going on in your life that brought you to blank today? And then fill in the blank with whatever it is they've just done, such as what was going on in your life that brought you to buy a new mattress today, or what was going on in your life that brought you to download a Keto recipe book today? Collect responses over time and analyze them every week or month. I have used and refined to this question with hundreds of thousands of respondents over many years and the answers are always very…
