From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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- Creating a sketch of your character in a turnaround, which is a viewpoint that shows the character from front, back, and side view along a grid, helps you keep the proportions consistent. Although turnarounds are typically used for animation, they can be useful for any situation where the character is appearing in sequential scenes. When illustrating the Willow Buds series it was important for me to keep the characters' proportions consistent from page to page and book to book, so that a child reader would recognize who was who. These sketches served as a reference guide for me to keep elements like costume, body, and head shape, as well as overall silhouette consistent. For Leslie (mumbling) it's critical to capture the character in three dimensional turnarounds, as her characters need not only to move through space, but to be lit and dimensionalized in a digital or traditional format. Here you see the witch doctor shown first as a flat finished sketch and then as a clay sculpt…
