From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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The instant read

- Deconstructing the visual information that a character design has to offer will help you to know if you're on the mark with your own designs. Let's start with Carlos Grangel's lineup for "Hotel Transylvania." The first thing that we see is the overall silhouette, or shape of the character, as a first impression of the personality he's depicting. Notice how different the silhouette of Dracula from either the mummy or Frank. It's pretty clear they play very different roles, based on their distinctive shapes. Let's now look at Carter Goodrich's take on the Frankenstein monster. The shape of the large body, contrasting the tiny head, instantly identifies him as perhaps more brawn than brain. And though we can't see his face, we immediately feel his humanity in his all-too-familiar act of scratching his bottom. Carter uses shape here to immediately identify some aspects of the personality, and humanize him with humor. In this example of the character Po, from "Kung Fu Panda," Nico Marlet…
