From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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Shapes and silhouettes

Shapes and silhouettes

- One of the core elements of character design comes from our first impression. The first thing that people tend to see and read is the overall shape of the character's form and silhouette. A silhouette is the exact shape of a form when represented as a solid shape of color, typically black. According to Lesley Padien, when designing a character lineup, it's essential to make sure that each character has its own unique silhouette, so that you can identify the character in a crowd. The silhouette and the shape of a character needs to stand out from the rest. It should be unique and should portray an emotion within the character lineup. No two characters should have the same silhouette. In a similar fashion, Carlos Grangel relies on defining his characters initially with silhouette, as in the examples of the characters from "Hotel Transylvania." Each personality is designed based on the arrangement of shapes in each form, and the way that they contrast each other from one character to…
