From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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Explore a character in a variety of styles

Explore a character in a variety of styles

From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

Explore a character in a variety of styles

- Style and mark making have a huge impact on how we read a character. Is it cartoon like? Realistic? Funny? Heroic? The flavor of your mark making and style effects how we read the character. Let's explore different styles, and how they fit the core message of the characters they delineate. Illustrator Carlos Grangle designs characters for animations, compares himself to a cook who makes pasta dishes, and uses different ingredients for each dish, but pasta is always there. `He believes, if you're a designer, you have to be able to develop the stylization to reflect the characters of the script. Paying attention to the tone of what the story demands. When he created the characters for Corpse Bride and Madagascar, he was much more cartoony than the film Spirit. He recommends going out of your comfort zone, because the hardest thing to do, but also that's when you learn new things. In similar fashion, Nick Kohl explores heroic surreal character development in Copernicus. His Elvin…
