From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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Color basics

Color basics

- Understanding color is a complex topic in its own right, but for our purposes let's review some basic issues that will help you to develop your characters. When choosing a set of colors, also known as a palette, it's critical to chose a set amount of colors and not use every color in your tool kit, also known as limited palette. Choosing a blue, a red, and a yellow, the three primary colors in the color wheel and making all of your colors variations of those three primaries will help to keep your palette cohesive. Colors that are mix of two primaries are known as secondary colors and colors made from mixing three primaries, a secondary and a primary, or two secondaries is known as a tertiary color. Color can be viewed in terms of its relative lightness or darkness, otherwise known as value. Vibrancy of color is the measure of a color's intensity or saturation. A color can be seen at its most vibrant and then at its most desaturated or least vibrant form. This form of desaturation is…
