From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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Characters in sequence

Characters in sequence

- In books, characters drive the narrative forward. Making them a critical element for the illustrator to consider. Characters are often seen in sequential scenes and require a consistency of treatment in proportion, relationship to other characters, to environment, and an overall style. When I created the illustrations for "Little Mouse's Painting", I had to consider the cast of characters, that Diane Wolkstein had envisioned, in her spare and lovely. For the main character, Little Mouse, I had to maintain her proportions and costume from scene to scene. No matter how large or small she appeared, so that the child reader would recognize her. The best approach for this, is to draw your character many times from several angles and points of view, so that you know what the character looks like in reference to itself. A grid helps us initially, in making sure that your character is consistent. The size range of this cast of characters presented a difficulty, as they range from a bear to…
