From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

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Capture the heart and soul of a character

Capture the heart and soul of a character

From the course: Learning Character Development and Design

Capture the heart and soul of a character

- Because words inspire visuals, starting with a story ignites the first ideas for developing characters. Once you have some basic descriptions or ideas about your character and the world they come from, it's time to explore who your character is through drawing. When Nick Kole is developing a character, some of his favorite moments have come from talking deeply with writers about their characters to better understand the motivation and purpose in a story. When sketching, he generally starts with a face as the focal point of a character. He feels that getting a sense of a personality through expression and facial features is his guiding star for the rest of the design. In these sketches for television animation, he tries many different head shapes and expressions, and leaves the early stage of his drawing loose and expressive before his final color finish. For him, the first step of any design after that is understanding the character's context or environment, and gathering reference…
