From the course: Learning AWS Amplify

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User authentication in the app

User authentication in the app

- Now that our project is set up and it builds we know that it's correctly set up for Amplify but there's no features yet. So let's look at the documentation about setting up authentication in our app. So back at the library's documentation for Swift I can scroll down to the bottom and I see next steps, lists authentication here, I can click on that. And it's the same as clicking authentication over here on the left. And for getting started it has us install the Swift packages which we've already done. Add authentication with the Amplify C L I which we've already done. Push it, which we've already done and so on. And here we get to the import Amplify and the Cognito plugin. We've already done the amplify part. We need to add the Cognito plugin. So I'll copy that and go to my code and import that. And then to use that, we add the plugin with this line. We add this to Amplify before we call the config and any other…
