From the course: Learning AWS Amplify

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File storage configuration

File storage configuration

- [Instructor] The next feature I want to be able to add to my app is file storage. I want to be able to upload and download files to and from the server using an S3 bucket. So, from the command line, I'll run Amplify storage add, and it'll ask me for my password again. And now, it's going to ask me for more questions, as it usually does, and in this case, it's focusing on the what as far as asking me questions. And it will take care of the how. Amplify does the work for us. So, it's asking, do I want content like images, audio, video, or do I want a no SQL database? Since I want to upload and download files, I'm going to select content. Then it wants a friendly name for the resource and I'll name it Pico files on server, something like that. And then, it wants a bucket name. Now, the bucket name has to be unique. There are some rules to naming your bucket. So, I can go back to the documentation and I'm going to bring up…
