From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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When to use Amazon Athena

When to use Amazon Athena

- [Presenter] When do we use Amazon Athena? In deciding when to use Amazon Athena versus Amazon's relational database service, for example, or other cloud-based RDBMSs, you need to think about the following questions. Now, first of all, Athena is a querying service and its results can be repurposed, so you can use the answers you get for your Power BI reports, for example. So, yes, Athena does connect to Power BI. We'll learn a bit more about that in chapter four. But before we can get to this point, we need to ask, is my data optimized so I don't have to perform additional transformations? If it isn't, and then you start manipulating the data in S3, that means, if you have others using that same piece of data, it would affect their work because the data would change. It would have a different structure. It would not be the same. Is my query optimized? If it's not optimized, it means Athena is spending more effort to…
