From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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What is AWS Glue?

What is AWS Glue?

- [Instructor] What is AWS Glue? AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that's based on Apache Spark. It provides you with ease and data discovery, preparing your data, combining it in a good format for your desired destination. It makes it easy to discover your various data sources. So if you have a database or you're working with the CSV or JSON, helps you prepare that information, move the information, combine it into the, you know columns and fields that you need for your destination. It also possesses centralized cataloging capabilities to be able to tell, okay, what's the data that I have? What are the key themes around it, what are the tables or columns or fields that I have in there and then can help you load this data into supported targets. For example, a data lake. Let's talk about some key features of AWS Glue. It's completely serverless, so that means regardless of the size of the work you have to do, AWS…
