From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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Use Amazon Athena with an AWS Glue Crawler

Use Amazon Athena with an AWS Glue Crawler - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

Use Amazon Athena with an AWS Glue Crawler

- [Instructor] Let's use Amazon Athena with the data we've gotten in with our Glue crawler. So on your AWS Glue console, select Tables under the Data Catalog. We can see the ttctopsyturvycakes and we can see Table data at the very end. Click on the hyperlink for Table data. You will be taken to Athena to preview data and we're going to be charged. That's okay. It's a very small charge. All right. Now we can see immediately that it shows us the SELECT * FROM our data source, AWS data catalog, our database topsyturvycakes. And this is the name of the table, ttctopsyturvycakes that we had set up before. If your data source for whatever reason isn't showing the database that you've made, just remember, that you can always select it, switch it from the default because I think it shows up as the default by default. So you can come here, click on Database, select the actual database that you want then you see the table that…
