From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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Use Amazon Athena queries to filter through CSV data

Use Amazon Athena queries to filter through CSV data - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

Use Amazon Athena queries to filter through CSV data

- [Instructor] Let's filter through the CSV data we have using Athena. The first thing we're going to do is open a new query tab and we're going to learn about CTAS. CTAS is the create table as select statement. So to create a table in Athena from Topsy Turvy Cakes supposing we wanted to create an employee table we would say create table employee as select. So let's highlight our select statement just to test it out and see if it runs. Okay, you see the select statement works, that means it's likely our create table statement should also work using this data. So create table employee with all of these columns from Topsy Turvy Cakes. So let's run the entire thing and it says query successful. We can also see the employee table appears on the left. Now I also want to show you something I think is pretty cool if you're working in Athena, you can actually change the theme of what you're seeing here. So there's a settings…
