From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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Use Amazon Athena queries to filter through CloudTrail logs

Use Amazon Athena queries to filter through CloudTrail logs - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

Use Amazon Athena queries to filter through CloudTrail logs

- [Lecturer] Let's create a few more queries to test out what we have in CloudTrail with Athena. So click on the plus sign to the right of your screen to open a new query tab. Copy and paste in the first query from the worksheet that has been provided with this video. So we're going to select star from our CloudTrail table where the event name is CreateBucket. So we can copy the name of our table and replace what we have here. Make sure to take out the special symbols and then click on Run. All right, complete it in no time. So when we scroll down, we see a line item that shows us what we have in CloudTrail where the event name was CreateBucket. So we can see information on who did it. We can see where the event source was from, the event time, the source IP address, so my current IP address, and a bunch of other information. We can even see the bucket name that was also made as well. All right, so let's do the next…
