From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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Solution: Analyze a CSV with Athena

Solution: Analyze a CSV with Athena - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

Solution: Analyze a CSV with Athena

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] All right, let's check out the solution for our challenge analyze a CSV with Athena. We were provided the GamCentr file and we're supposed to CREATE TABLEs, create views and answer some questions. So the first thing we need to do is pull in the data into AWS. So open up S3 and optionally, you can create a new S3 bucket. I choose to create a new S3 bucket just because it's easier for organization purposes. So create bucket. What's my bucket name? Let's just say gamcentraduak. And I'll leave all other settings as is. And click on Create Bucket. Click into the new bucket that you may or may not have made. If you already have a bucket, then you just pick up from this step. So create a new folder. Our folder name will be GamCentr. Create folder. And inside of this folder, I'm going to provide my GamCentr file. Looks good. Click on upload. It successfully uploaded. Great. Now…
