From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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Create your first S3 bucket in S3

Create your first S3 bucket in S3 - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

Create your first S3 bucket in S3

- [Instructor] Let's create your very first S3 bucket. So search for S3 in your AWS Management console. Type S3. Click on it. Click on Create bucket. It's the little orange button on the right. For our very first bucket, your name needs to be globally unique and cannot contain any spaces or uppercase letters. So I'm just going to go with this, uduaksfirstbucket. I'm working in the US East region, so I'm leaving it that way. And we're leaving all settings as is. We're not changing anything. Just click on create bucket. You see a green banner on the top of your screen saying successfully created bucket and the name of your bucket. All right, click into your bucket. We're going to upload the red panda file that has been provided in this video. So once you have that downloaded, you can drag this in or use the upload button there to put in the red panda file. I'm just going to drag this in. All right. Now on the…
