From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

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Create an AWS Glue Crawler to organize CSV data

Create an AWS Glue Crawler to organize CSV data - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Tutorial

From the course: Learning Amazon Athena

Create an AWS Glue Crawler to organize CSV data

- [Instructor] Let's create an AWS Glue crawler to pull CSV data. To provide the data to AWS, we're going to upload a CSV file into an S3 bucket. You'll find the CSV file called ttc no commas provided as part of the exercise files for this video. So click on S3. Click on Create Bucket. For this bucket, we need a unique name. So I'm just going to call it mybakery, and I'm going to put my name by the end of that. So if you have a unique name, this can work for you. If not, play around with whatever works. Now leave all other settings as is, and then click on Create Bucket. Now, click into the bucket you just made. So mybakeryuduak. And then we're going to create a folder that will hold our CSV file. So click on Create Folder. For the folder name, we can call it topsyturvycakes. So that's the name of our actual bakery. And going forward, we will either see the name topsyturvycakes or ttc. It means the same thing. So…
