From the course: Leading without Formal Authority

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Your boss is about to make a big mistake

Your boss is about to make a big mistake

From the course: Leading without Formal Authority

Your boss is about to make a big mistake

- There's a lot of information out there about what to do when you mess up, but less about what to do when you see your boss mess up. My father worked for some high-level people in government, and he always said, "Part of your job is to keep your boss from making mistakes." It's a tough spot to be in, but not speaking up when you see your boss making a mistake is not fair to your boss. [Instructor] There are two types of mistakes, private and public. Private mistakes are when your boss is about to make a bad decision or do something that will hurt them. Stepping up as a leader means helping your boss avoid a potential blunder that could be public later. When you see your boss making a mistake on their own, not in a public way, you want to be able to pull them beside and have a conversation about it. You don't need to be accusatory. You simply say, "You know I've got your back, and it occurred to me that I'd be remiss…
