From the course: Leading with Innovation

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How to nurture order and chaos

How to nurture order and chaos

From the course: Leading with Innovation

How to nurture order and chaos

- [Narrator] One of the toughest challenges for any organization is pursuing two conflicting goals at the same time. Being consistent, while also being innovative. Consistency in processes enables you to learn how to accomplish the same task, better, faster and perhaps cheaper. Consistency in products and services also give customers the assurance that they will have the same experience whether it's at the same or a different location. Yet, in our dynamic world taken to the extreme consistency can also be the surest path to an organization's depth. It's easy to manage an organization for consistency and order. You streamline the processes, lay out the standard operating procedures, ask people to stick to the stated policies and rules, and manage in a top-down manner. It's also easy to nurture an organization for chaos. That is a never ending departure from the routine. All you have to do is to tell people to do their…
