From the course: Leading with Innovation

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Foster creativity without losing control

Foster creativity without losing control

From the course: Leading with Innovation

Foster creativity without losing control

- Google has long championed an 80-20 rule. Every Googler, or Google employee, is required to devote 80% of their time to assigned tasks. Equally importantly, the other 20% is spent on their own side project that doesn't need approval from their supervisor. Google Now, Google News, and transit information on Google Maps, are some of the innovations that started out as 20% projects. Google's 80-20 rule is one of many ways that organizations can foster creativity without losing control. The foundation of innovation. It's rare to come across a CEO, or any manager, who doesn't value creativity. Yet, go to any corner of the world, and it'll be hard to find many organizations that would deserve better than a D grade in how creative they actually are. This is true, not just of government bureaucracies, but also of profit-driven companies, including those led by founder CEOs. So, why the mismatch between intentions and…
